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Home Accueil A la une Andry Rajoelina in the Kingdom of Kere (Deep south of Madagascar)

Andry Rajoelina in the Kingdom of Kere (Deep south of Madagascar)


The region of Androy is situated in the Southeast of Madagascar. It account 4 districts where are distributed 45 municipalities. The districts of Ambovombe and Tsihombe were visited, on this February 7th, 2016, by the former president of the Transition, Andry Rajoelina.

It is necessary to know that, periodically, otherwise annually for the last decade, this region suffers from the drought and from the lack of drinking water. All the elected successive leaders found no long-lasting remedy, and the present president does not make an exception and minimizes this famine about which we do not speak in the official media (Rnm and Tvm). Does he wait that he died from children there?

United with all his fellow countrymen, wherever that they are, Andry Rajoelina thus came down in the region to relieve the slightest bit (it is the empathy and the gesture which count when we are an authentic patriot) the suffering of these hundreds of children in the bloated stomach, the sign of malnutrition.

He brought medicine, 40.000 food units with vitamins nourishing food, some semolina of corn, some drinking water in plastic bottles, some milk of the rice as well as clothes for 1200 totally deprived, distraught families and which have even no more the flowers of cactus (" raketa mena ") to relieve their hunger and their thirst. Indeed, this cactus disappeared 
 It is the municipality of Anjapaly, in the district of Tsihombe who is most affected by Kere (Famine). The sisters missionaries of the region, especially the district of Tsihombe, complained about the slowness of the upholders of the power, in spite of their ceaseless calls, their S.O.S.

Certainly, the Secretary of the Population, Onitiana Realy, passed in the South, but in a flash, in the beginning of February, 2016. As she seems to ignore what urgency means, she is always setting up a "inter-ministerial Committee copiloté by her department and the Ministry of the Economy of the Planning". Then, it will again be necessary to wait a "large-scale dialogue gathering all the concerned ministries and the technical and financial Partners (PTF) as well as all of Ngo occurring in the region, will be held on the next February 19th and 20th in Amboasary". More hardly still, "the at present current actions, result from a mission of evaluation ... " and so on.

Evaluation of what? With this rhythm, the inhabitants of the kingdom of Kere can die quiet ... The kingdom of Kere is a term which I invented during a tour in all the big South with Dany Be and Latimer Rangers then Secretary ... on 1993! It is the title on the front page of n°1 of the fire magazine "Marovany". Thus 23 years later, nothing changed and it risks to continue with this Hery Rajaonarimampianina which always waits for the money of others to take care of the majority of the poor Malagasy, by putting everything on the back of his predecessors. Thus he knew about nothing when he appeared candidate in 2013 then.

Jeannot Ramambazafy

Mis Ă  jour ( Mardi, 09 FĂ©vrier 2016 04:15 )  

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