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Home Reportages Manifestation MADAGATE US Independence Day: The Speech of The Unknown-The 44 presidents since 1789

MADAGATE US Independence Day: The Speech of The Unknown-The 44 presidents since 1789

The 44 Présidents of the United States of America (read farther)

In the United States, Independence Day, or more commonly known as the Fourth of July, is a federal holiday to commemorate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on 4 July 1776, declaring independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain.

Signing the Declaration of Independence


National Importance. The United States is a fairly young country, and the original birthday of the US was actually not that long ago. In 1776, the original thirteen states came together and separated from England with the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4. During this time, the brave Founding Fathers (“Pùres fondateurs”) knew that the future ahead would be full of danger and risk to themselves and their families, but the importance of the country was greater than any one person.

The original Declaration of Independence

Thus, in 1776, the United States of America was born. After years of extremely difficult fighting and war, the country came out on top and began its existence as a peaceful country. This was the defining moment for the country, and that is why Independence Day is of such great importance for American people even today. Without July 4th, there would be no America.

The Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty symbolizes America's independence and the freedom the country offers to all that enter. It was given to the United States in 1886 by France (shipped in 214 crates and assembled on what is now known as Liberty Island in the New York Harbor).

Fireworks in the New York Harbour - CLICK HERE TO THE VIDEO ON 4th of July 2011

Independence Day celebrations often take place outdoors as it is summer in the US. Families will often celebrate Independence Day by hosting or attending a picnic or barbecue with family members, and they take advantage of the day off and when Independence Day falls on a Monday or Friday they take advantage of a long weekend to gather with relatives or friends. Decorations including balloons, streamers and clothing are generally colored red, white, and blue, the colors of the American Flag. Parades are normally held in the morning, while fireworks displays occur in the evening at such places as parks, fairgrounds, near beaches and in town squares. Independence Day is a fun day which is enjoyed by all locals and visitors to the US.

Independence Day in the United States, the Biggest Birthday Celebration in the World. Independence Day in the United States is by far the most important national holiday of the year. While the fanfare is dwarfed by mega holidays like Christmas and New Year’s Eve, Independence Day is one of those days that the country and its people need, especially in complicated times such as the 21st century. Commonly known as the Fourth of July or July 4th, Independence Day brings American people together in a way that not many other holidays can.

Take the Day Off. Since 1938, the Fourth of July has been an official paid holiday for government officials. This gives Independence Day a special place on the calendar of the United States, as there are only a limited number of paid holidays on the calendar. It is likely that this day will never disappear from the American calendar.

Obama in front of the portrait of Washington


18th Century

1. George Washington

2. John Adams

19th Century

3. Thomas Jefferson

15. James Buchanan

4. James Madison

16. Abraham Lincoln

5. James Monroe

17. Andrew Johnson

6. John Quincy Adams

18. Ulysses S. Grant

7. Andrew Jackson

19. Rutherford B. Hayes

8. Martin Van Buren

20. James Garfield

9. William Henry Harrison

21. Chester A. Arthur

10. John Tyler

22. Grover Cleveland

11. James K. Polk

23. Benjamin Harrison

12. Zachary Taylor

24. Grover Cleveland

13. Millard Fillmore

25. William McKinley

14. Franklin Pierce

20th Century

26. Theodore Roosevelt

35. John F. Kennedy

27. William Howard Taft

36. Lyndon B. Johnson

28. Woodrow Wilson

37. Richard M. Nixon

29. Warren G. Harding

38. Gerald R. Ford

30. Calvin Coolidge

39. James Carter

31. Herbert Hoover

40. Ronald Reagan

32. Franklin D. Roosevelt

41. George H. W. Bush

33. Harry S. Truman

42. William J. Clinton

34. Dwight D. Eisenhower

21st Century

43. George W. Bush

44. Barack Obama

Barack Obama in the Oval Office

Researches for this reporting : Jeannot Ramambazafy – Fourth of July, 2011

Mis Ă  jour ( Mardi, 05 Juillet 2011 06:47 )  

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